Aug 25

5 pointers to help select a trustworthy digital agency

5 pointers to help select a trustworthy digital agency

As the world is evolving, the digital space is taking up more space. The biggest developments of the current generation are based in technology. It has changed the way we communicate, think and even the way we perceive reality. These developments have been accompanied and accelerated by the first digital agencies and paved the way for the ones that massively followed: in 2022 the US counted 8766 digital agencies and in the UK 7277 with an increase between 5% and 10% compared to the years before. 

What does this mean for organizations seeking digital solutions? A choice overload that makes it challenging to find the ideal digital partner. Here’s an attempt to facilitate the selection process with 5 important pointers that make a trustworthy agency. 

1. Core values and company culture

Arguably the most important factor in today’s world, is to make sure that the values and culture are aligned with your own. How do they present themselves, how transparent are they in terms of team members? How do they go about discrimination, diversity, matters of the planet or even mental health? Not every question will be answered at the first intake but aim to keep the conversation slightly informal during the first 5 to 10 minutes. Ask questions that are not directly linked to their services, but rather something that can help you determine their global way of conducting business. 

2. All about communication 

It is a known fact that communication is key, and this is no different when it comes to finding the best team. Building connections and relationships is all about keeping an open line of communication and making it easy for the client to keep track of the process. Whether it’s through mail, instant messaging or phone calls: the options are endless. Pay attention to how they will communicate during hiccups and challenges: Is there transparency when discussing how the hiccups will be resolved and how much additional time this might take? Keep in mind that before coming back to the client, a plan needs to be discussed beforehand. This can take some time and how much exactly depends of course on how effective they communicate internally as a team. Hence why reactivity in communication can reveal a lot as well.

3. Results and portfolio

Not only bad news can spread like wildfire, a good reputation can do that too. A digital agency with great results and satisfied clients are not afraid to expose their work for others to see. Browse around their website and socials,see what you can find about their previous projects. If possible, dive deeper into the KPI’s, ROI’s…  and all the measurable good stuff. As you can imagine, the latter might be a bit difficult to find right away, but as a potential client you can always ask the organization to give you these details to a certain extent. Another thing that these results will show is how capable and skilled their team is, which is a crucial factor. You don’t want to end up with an agency that claims to be “good in everything”. That is nearly impossible as a promise to keep in this ever evolving industry. 

4. Online presence

Although it can be quite a challenge nowadays to keep up with all the social media platforms and be fully present on it, it’s important to understand how to use them. The non-negotiables for a digital agency are LinkedIn and Facebook, the rest is really about having the time or a dedicated social media manager. Content creation in itself is a different ball game and very time consuming. A great team can also be too focused on work to really engage in content creation on a consistent basis. We’re a prime example of this at WAAT, nevertheless we’re present where we need to be. Make sure to keep up with our latest projects through LinkedIn and Facebook

5. Adapt or die

Lastly, the capacity to adapt and exhibit flexibility is what distinguishes an exceptional digital agency from a merely good one. As your business evolves, your requirements and goals may shift, demanding a responsive agency that can adjust their strategies and services accordingly. Seek out an agency that demonstrates an innovative mindset, staying ahead of industry trends and incorporating the latest technologies and methodologies to ensure your success. Partnering with a versatile digital agency will provide you with the necessary support to thrive in a constantly changing digital landscape, ultimately empowering your business to reach new heights.

Web Architecture
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